The Morrison Government is providing a $2.2 million boost to Gippsland Victoria and Central West New South Wales forestry industries with the development of two new Regional Forestry Hubs (Hubs).
Assistant Minister for Forestry and Fisheries Senator Jonno Duniam said the investment would support the vital forestry industries in both regions to drive new investment and create new jobs.
“The development of new Hubs supports forestry industries within Australia to be globally competitive,” Assistant Minister Duniam said.
“The two new Hubs will improve the productivity and efficiency of Australia’s forestry sector, and support each region and its economy.
“I am delighted we are partnering with the forestry industries in Gippsland and Central West NSW to deliver these Regional Forestry Hubs.
The seeding funding provided by the Australian Government will help determine the priories for growth of the industry in these areas and what can be done to overcome the barriers.
“The Hubs will engage the community, industry and governments to identify the actions and solutions to the many challenging issues forestry is facing at present, and to help support a sustainable economic industry into the future.”
Australia’s forestry industries comprise of businesses involved in growing and harvesting trees, processing wood and wood fibre, manufacturing pulp, paper and engineered products, reconstituted and solid wood products and businesses that market and undertake research, into forestry and forest products.
The Morrison Government has committed $9 million for nine Hubs across the country, and the Gippsland Victoria and Central West New South Wales Hubs are the final two Hubs to be announced.
This funding is a core part of the implementation of the Australian Government’s National Forest Industries Plan.