5 April 2022

Preparing job seekers for work in cultural tourism in Tasmania


An exciting opportunity is available for young job seekers in Hobart and on Bruny Island, southern Tasmania, to help prepare them for work in cultural tourism.

Naryi Niara Pty Ltd is partnering with Colony 47 Inc to deliver Our Way Home, a five-month training project aimed at preparing a minimum of 15 participants for project management roles.

Aimed at people between 16 and 25, the project places a special focus on Indigenous people, and includes representatives from the Aboriginal art, hospitality and tourism sectors.

Funded through the Australian Government’s Local Recovery Fund, Minister for Employment, Workforce, Skills, Small and Family Business, the Hon Stuart Robert MP, said the project formed part of a nationwide economic response to the COVID-19 pandemic, and would aim to place a minimum of 10 people in jobs.

‘The Local Recovery Fund is driving projects just like this one in Hobart and Southern Tasmania, to assist people with finding work that meets the needs of local employers,’ Minister Robert said.

‘The Australian economy is holding up well, with unemployment reaching a new 4 per cent low in February, so now is the right time to find work with job vacancies at a 13-year high.’

Senator Jonno Duniam said the Our Way Home project included 14 hours a week of relevant work experience, over a period of 16 weeks.

‘This includes workplace tours, supervised work, industry presentations and other opportunities, with the aim of securing at least 10 participants a job when they graduate,’ Senator Duniam said.

Assistant Minister for Youth and Employment Services, the Hon Luke Howarth MP, said the Local Recovery Fund was an important part of the Australian Government’s $276 million Local Jobs Program.

‘Projects like Our Way Home are co-designed by those who know the local community and its employment landscape best. This allows for appropriate training to be provided, along with relevant work placements,’ Assistant Minister Howarth said.

The program will coincide with the Nayri Niara Good Spirit festival on Bruny Island, which will provide some of the opportunities for participants to learn about project management, supported by one-on-one mentoring.

More details about the Local Jobs Program can be found at: www.dese.gov.au/local-jobs-program