Public consultation is now open on the National Fisheries Plan until 8 October 2021.

Assistant Minister for Forestry and Fisheries Jonno Duniam said the National Fisheries Plan will aim to support and empower all sectors of the fishing and seafood community.

“The National Fisheries Plan will drive sustainable growth of the Australian fishing and seafood community by enhancing collaboration among Australian governments and sectors,” Assistant Minister Duniam said.

“The final plan will aim to create a shared vision for the future to align the strategic planning and prioritisation of Commonwealth, state and territory governments.

“The proposed vision is sustainable growth and development of Australia’s fishing and seafood community for the benefit of all Australians.

“The plan will also aim to identify priority areas to support the growth and development of fishing sectors, and propose initiatives for government and fishing sectors to implement.

“An outline for consultation has been developed in consultation with state and territory governments and the National Fishing Advisory Council.

“We’re now seeking feedback on this outline for consultation from stakeholders including the commercial, recreational, Indigenous, aquaculture and post-harvest fishing sectors, State and territory governments and the broader Australian community.

“The final National Fisheries Plan is set to be released in early 2022.”

Public feedback can be lodged until 8 October 2021 at the Have Your Say website: