8 August 2024

The Tasmanian Auditor-General’s investigation and report on the $557,800 grant to the Tasmanian ‘Yes’ campaign in the divisive and controversial Referendum, held last year, has vindicated concerns held by many in our community about the TCF’s misuse of public funds.

The TCF was set up to support projects and programs that are in the best interests of the Tasmanian community.  While many worthy projects have been supported in the past, the enormous grant provided to support one side of a fractious and divisive public debate is not one of these. The TCF board’s actions went well beyond its legislated remit and, no matter anyone’s opinion on the matter of the Voice referendum, is a massive breach of faith with the Tasmanian Community.

This report, which highlights a number of very concerning and disappointing issues provides an opportunity to reset the TCFs focus and ensure that future custodians of this important entity do not fall out of step with community expectation and instead continue to only support proposals that actually improve the lives of Tasmanians.

The TCF is not a treasure chest for activists and their causes, but a fund to support my fellow Tasmanians in need.

I sincerely hope that those who made the decision to provide this money to the Yes campaign reflect on this damning report and what it means for the tenability of their positions. I also sincerely hope the Tasmanian Government takes this opportunity to ensure we never see a repeat of these events into the future.