10 September 2024
The Federal Coalition is dismayed at the Government’s and crossbench’s rejection of its Senate disallowance motion to overturn Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek’s outrageous decision to block the Regis Resources tailings dam.
Shadow Environment Minister Jonno Duniam, who moved the disallowance motion, is devastated on behalf of the people of regional New South Wales:
“This is a clear message from the Labor Party, Greens and a number of Independent Senators that they don’t care about our regional communities.”
“Tanya Plibersek’s decision ripped the heart out of the Blayney community. This was a chance at redemption for Labor Senators and the crossbench to right the wrong that the Environment Minister inflicted upon them. When the community needed them most, they wilted.”
“The Environment Minister made a political decision, thinking that she knew better on Indigenous Cultural Heritage issues than the Orange Local Aboriginal Land Council, the responsible Aboriginal land council for the area. She overruled the New South Wales Government and her own Department, further damaging the business community’s confidence in the Albanese Government.”
“Regis Resources jumped through every hoop possible to get this mine approved and consulted with thirteen Registered Aboriginal Parties to understand the cultural significance of the site. The extensive consideration of Indigenous Cultural Heritage made throughout this process informed the New South Wales Government’s Independent Planning Commission’s approval of the mine. That Minister Plibersek instead thought that she knew better is beyond belief.”
“We still don’t have the statement of reasons for the Minister’s decision. The Orange Local Aboriginal Land Council made clear that there was no reasonable basis that asserted particular Aboriginal cultural significance of the Belubula River. It is still a mystery as to why she made this decision.”
“Tanya Plibersek didn’t have the courage to front up to the people of the Central Tablelands to explain her decision. We can only conclude that it was made through the lens of appealing to Greens voters in her own electorate rather than making a decision in the interests of our community and economy.”
“Uncertainty is rife in the business community because of this decision. We need to shore up our investment climate. The first thing the Labor Government could do would be to update our cultural heritage laws.”
“The Coalition have promised to overturn Tanya Plibersek’s outrageous decision and will be moving a Private Senator’s Bill that, if passed, would overturn this decision immediately.”