22 August 2023
Shadow Forestry Minister Senator Jonno Duniam has called on the Albanese Government to urgently step in to increase Federal control of the forestry industry, amid a crisis in the industry.
On National Forestry Day, Senator Duniam advocated for strong, immediate action by Federal Labor, who recently watered down their position on forestry at the national ALP conference and have overseen shutdown of mill after mill across the country since they came to office.
This follows calls from the Australian Forest Products Association for the Prime Minister to put sustainable forest resource security on the National Cabinet’s agenda, a move Senator Duniam welcomes.
“The Federal Labor Government need to do something as soon as possible to reverse the appalling decline of the forestry industry following recent state Labor government shutdowns of the native forestry industry in Western Australia and Victoria,” Senator Duniam said.
“Labor governments nationwide are strangling this industry.”
“Following the ALP conference, we’re seeing Federal Labor lay out a platform that appeases the Labor Environment Action Network (LEAN) and Green voters but does nothing to provide certainty to regional families in the industry.”
“Regional communities from Gippsland to Geeveston, Nannup to Nambucca Heads rely on forestry to put food on the table. The industry and the jobs are too important to let go.”
“Anthony Albanese and Murray Watt need to reject the agenda of ideology-driven, Green-vote-seeking Labor states by increasing Federal control of this incredibly important, sustainable industry.”