28 September 2021

Following an historic announcement yesterday by the Morrison and Gutwein governments to progress a framework to deliver offshore aquaculture in Commonwealth waters, the Tasmanian Greens have executed yet another complete policy backflip.

“The leadership shown […] with their clear view that the future of Tasmania’s salmon farming industry lies in expanding further offshore is welcome.” (Press Release, Senator Peter Whish-Wilson, 29 September 2016)

‘She [Dr Rosalie Woodruff MP] said the Greens believed the future of fish farming existed either on land or far offshore in zones established with use of scientific evidence and consultation with users.’ (The Mercury, 12 February 2018)

Having previously supported expansion of aquaculture into deep waters offshore, the Greens have once again proven that they are not interested in sensible, evidence-based policy decisions but rather in shutting down Tasmania’s aquaculture industry and putting thousands of hardworking men and women out of a job.

“This arrangement between the Morrison and Gutwein governments does exactly as the Greens said the industry should and the fact that they’ve criticised it shows that they will shift the goalposts to suit their own political ends,” Assistant Minister Duniam said.

“The Australian Government has provided $70 million of funding to the Blue Economy CRC, the scientific experts, to undertake this type of research and ensure we know exactly what best practice looks like.

“I am shocked but not surprised at the hypocrisy of the Greens in criticising this important decision.

“Offshore aquaculture presents a huge opportunity to grow the aquaculture sector and create jobs right here in Tasmania and throughout the supply chain.

“Their response shows once again that the Greens do not have the best interests of our marine environment, the community, or Tasmanian workers at heart.

“They are only interested in cheap political point-scoring and opposing an industry that they never have, and never will support.”