A jobs fair showcasing employment opportunities in and around Hobart will be held on Tuesday 13 April 2021 at Princes Wharf No.1.
The Morrison Government’s Hobart Jobs Fair will bring together job seekers and local businesses from across southern Tasmania.
Minister for Employment, Workforce, Skills, Small and Family Business, the Hon Stuart Robert MP, said the jobs fair will promote a wide range of employment opportunities for Tasmanians looking to get into work.
‘As we see COVID-19 restrictions ease, the Morrison Government is committed to connecting Tasmanians with businesses looking to hire,’ Minister Robert said.
‘Creating jobs and boosting Australians’ skills to help them get back into work is at the heart of our Economic Recovery Plan.’
‘We want as many Tasmanians as possible to upskill and reskill, and get into work within their local communities, and this is what the Jobs Fair is all about.’
Assistant Minister for Youth and Employment Services, the Hon Luke Howarth MP, said the Hobart Jobs Fair is a must for those who want to connect with businesses hiring across a wide range of industries.
‘The event will feature workshops from business and industry professionals to help people get job-ready and secure their next role,’ Assistant Minister Howarth said.
‘Presentations will also be held on a range of relevant topics and there will be access to assistance with résumés and interview preparation.’
Senator for Tasmania, the Hon Jonathon Duniam, said two Jobs Fairs would be held across Tasmania to promote hundreds of local jobs available right now.
‘Tasmania’s industries were hit hard by the pandemic, but they are resilient and we will do whatever we can to help them bounce back,’ Assistant Minister Duniam said.
‘This is a fantastic opportunity for job seekers to connect with local Tasmanian businesses, and I’m urging anyone who is searching for a job, or considering a change, to attend.’
The Morrison Government has held Jobs Fairs in various locations around Australia. More than 46,000 people have attended since July 2018, both face-to-face and online.
The Tasmanian Virtual Jobs Fair in 2020 attracted 870 attendees and 43 exhibitors with almost 3000 jobs on offer.
The Hobart Jobs Fair is a free event from 9.30am (AEST), with two sessions throughout the day until 4pm to ensure COVID-19 safety guidelines are met.
Registrations are necessary and can be made via: dese.gov.au/HobartJF