The Assistant Minister for Forestry and Fisheries has acknowledged the progress of the Bob Brown Foundation court case, which was heard in the Federal Court today for case management.
Assistant Minister Jonno Duniam said he stood with the Tasmanian Government in support of the Tasmanian Regional Forest Agreement.
“The Morrison Government remains committed to Regional Forest Agreements (RFAs) across the country as the best mechanism for balancing environmental, economic and social demands on our native forests,” Assistant Minister Duniam said.
“The Bob Brown Foundation is threatening the livelihoods of thousands of hardworking Tasmanians by attempting to reignite the forestry wars in Tasmania.
“RFAs provide vital access for our industry to the resource – which is particularly important to keep our industries going during the COVID-19 pandemic.
“Recent data shows the forestry sector in Tasmania directly employed around 3658 people, and is a major employer in regional areas.
“The Government remains committed to the forestry industry. Our forests are the ultimate renewable resource and our forest product industries are vital to our regional communities.
“We have a world-class, sustainable forestry industry that deserves to be celebrated, not decimated, by activists.”
Today, the court noted the importance of this matter proceeding expeditiously, with the case returning on October 19.