15 August 2019

Wilderness Society want to lock it up and throw away the key

If the Wilderness Society genuinely cared about protecting Tasmania and our brand it would engage constructively, rather than trash-talk our State.

Last week I met with the Wilderness Society’s Tom Allen to discuss Tasmania’s Expressions of Interest process.

This is a process that is opening up Tasmania’s wilderness for locals and visitors alike to experience, both celebrating and protecting what’s special about our State.

While Mr Allen and I do not agree on every aspect of the EoI process we did agree that, as is the case with any new process, there is always room for improvement and the EoI is no exception when it comes to community consultation.

Mr Allen agreed to work with me to get this process right, and provide a list of areas where he believed improvements could be made.

To date, I have heard nothing from Mr Allen. It is clear that Mr Allen would rather carp and criticise from the sideline than engage constructively.

This is proof positive that Mr Allen and the Wilderness Society will not be happy unless our wilderness areas are completely locked up for no one to see or enjoy.

Mr Allen’s attack on the EoI process will damage Tasmania and our reputation, the very thing he suggests he is trying to protect.

The EoI process is all about sharing Tasmania’s unique wilderness with locals, and the world. It’s about doing this in sensible and appropriate way.

There are checks and balances in place, with all existing Commonwealth and State planning approval processes remaining – in fact there is an extra layer of scrutiny and transparency with the EoI.

Any accusation that a government, industry or traveller would want to destroy the very thing that they value and rely on is just ridiculous.