13 October 2021
Southern bluefin tuna stocks in Commonwealth waters have been classified as not overfished in latest ABARES Fishery status reports, released today.
Assistant Minister for Forestry and Fisheries Jonno Duniam welcomed the ABARES Fishery status reports and said this was further evidence that Australia’s fisheries were amongst the most well-managed and sustainable in the world.
“The reports found that none of the stocks in fisheries solely managed by the Australian Government were classified as subject to overfishing,” Assistant Minister Duniam said.
“The reports also found that fisheries managed by the Australian Government generated $438 million in gross value of production (GVP) in 2019–20, representing 28% of the $1.58 billion GVP of Australia’s total wild-caught fisheries.
“Fisheries continue to play an important role in Australia’s primary production success story, and sustainable management means we can ensure that continues well into the future.
“Two-thirds of the 100 fish stocks assessed were not overfished and not subject to overfishing.
“Southern bluefin tuna stock biomass has increased, largely thanks to global management arrangements which have set in place total catch limits that have allowed the stock to rebuild.
“The Morrison Government will always be a strong supporter of our sustainable fisheries sector so that it can continue to deliver quality seafood to Australian customers and export it around the world.”
The recent ABARES agricultural commodities report forecast the value of the farming, fishing and forestry sectors to rise to a record $78.4 billion in 2021-22, with fisheries expected to reach $3.1 billion.
For a copy of the report visit ABARES Publications.