13 June 2024

What has Federal Environment Minister, Tanya Plibersek, got against Tasmania?

Tanya Plibersek has been exposed as not being genuine in her claims that she wants to keep Tasmania as the gateway to Antarctica.

So ‘genuine’ are her claims that it now turns out that the Minister released her letter to one media outlet nearly half an hour before the Tasmanian Government even had the letter!

If Ms Plibersek is so committed to resolving this issue, why is she intent on conducting negotiations through the media?

It’s clear that either Ms Plibersek is interested in ripping away our Antarctic Gateway status or is, at best, just playing politics.

While there is no justification for any government agency, state or federal, to mishandle something so important, there is absolutely no excuse for a Federal Minister to so blatantly put at risk something so important to our state and the city of Hobart.

Tanya Plibersek has an appalling track record when it comes to Tasmania, including:

  1. Failing to progress the MMG tailings Dam approval;
  2. Failing to even outline a timeline for a decision on the future of salmon farming in Macquarie Harbour; and
  3. Threatening to take the Antarctic Gateway away from Tasmania.

Ms Plibersek’s Tasmanian Labor colleagues should do their job – stand up to their Minister and urge her to do what she is paid to do: find a solution, work with Tasmania and stop attacking our state.