5 March 2020
Consultation is now underway to inform the development of the Commonwealth Fisheries Resource Sharing Framework.
Our Government committed to delivering the framework to provide a clear way to ensure fair access to our shared fisheries resources across the commercial, recreational and Indigenous fishing sectors.
The discussion paper sets out a proposed approach to develop resource sharing arrangements across fishing sectors.
We want to hear directly from all those involved with Commonwealth fisheries to better understand complex fisheries resource sharing issues, and to learn about stakeholders’ needs and expectations from a framework.
The public submissions will help inform the draft framework and to ensure fair and reasonable access to our shared marine resources in Commonwealth-managed waters.
Having a vibrant and strong fishing industry is a key priority for the Morrison Government.
Your input will help us manage Commonwealth fisheries resources carefully and sustainably into the future, to the benefit of all Australians.
To have your say on the Commonwealth Fisheries Resource Sharing Framework discussion paper, go to: haveyoursay.agriculture.gov.au/sharing-fisheries-resources.
The Commonwealth Fisheries Resource Sharing Framework supports our plan to grow Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries to $100 billion industries by 2030.